Monday, January 6, 2020

First Day of 2020!

We had a great day today. This morning, we needed to start up our new calendars, as well as seating arrangements. Ask me who I'm sitting next to now. We are studying two new letters this week. Ask me what actions go along with "t et n". In Science, we learned about sight, talked about its importance, what we could do and not do with limited vision and watched a couple of videos about it. In Social Studies, we finished talking about our responsibilities at school and we had "la musique."
From Mme: below are our high-frequency words for the week. More information is in the monthly newsletter (to follow in an email).
Bonne année! Happy New Year!

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We will be focusing on these three words this week in our literacy activities.  Please review them with your child. Merci beaucoup!

Word Work #1 Words for the week of: 
January 6-10, 2020
(High Frequency Words – Mots de haute fréquence)

Le ciel est bleu.

La pomme est rouge.

Les feuilles sont vertes.


