Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Fun Final Day of 2019

Thank you to our parent volunteers who came in and helped make our Holiday Centres possible! It couldn't have (literally) happened without you!
Today was a great day - but odd, we said! We didn't do French this morning, we did Braille! Ask me what I made with braille and how I made it. In the afternoon, we had more free time in the gym and watched a Toupie et Binou (en français) about Noël and finished some work. Ask me where I got to do my silent reading today! It was a great day!
Many Merry Christmas and Happy Winter Break wishes from Mme! She says THANK YOU for all of the lovely and generous gifts as well as the heartwarming handmade cards! (Those are the most precious!) Enjoy the family time together and see you all next year!