Tuesday, January 7, 2020

le 7 janvier 2020

Reminders from Mme: please send in the signed forms for our tasting science experiment by tomorrow. Paper copies were sent home yesterday in "la pochette bleue". Additionally, please send in a photo from the winter break for students to use as a starter for our winter writing. These can be emailed to me. Merci!

Today, we spent a period on printing skills. We talk about if letters are small ("coccinelle" - ladybug), tall ("girafe") or hang down ("singe" - monkey). In Sciences today, we talked about the different parts of the eye. Ask me what we did to see the change in our pupil. We also tried writing and drawing with our eyes closed. We started a new literacy game called Jeu du Loup. I practiced reading the syllables in it with my buddy. In math, we continued counting by 10. And we got to start gymnastics in gym!