Wednesday, January 29, 2020

le 29 janvier 2020

Une bonne journée! Today, we made practiced the words of the week and played headbands using them. We also participated in two math talks about numbers and counting and used the reknreks with a partner. We continued on with the Friendology program. Ask me what the challenge is this time! We finished off the day making videos, talking about our vacation, music and gym!

Notes from Mme Harbinson:
-when doing home reading, please only read the book once a night. Spreading it out will help promote retention of the new vocabulary being learned.
-library day tomorrow
-hot lunch tomorrow
-no school on Friday
-literacy night next Thursday (see below)

Literacy Night Presentation at Varsity Acres School

Hello families,

Our ultimate goal as teachers and parents is to raise lifelong readers.

On Thursday, February 6th at 6:30 pm, parents are invited to Varsity’s first Literacy Night.

Parents and guardians are invited to Join teacher Mme Jennifer McCann for a session covering how children learn to read, what the current research tells us is most effective and important, and how to best support your child.  A question and answer period will follow.

Although this presentation is best suited for parents with students in K-3, anyone is welcome to attend.

Please register online: if you are able to attend.  We ask families to please arrange childcare and that only adults attend.  Thanks!