Thursday, February 20, 2020

100s day centres

Today, we did centres celebrating our 100th day of school. We did art with our 100s cutouts (thank you parent volunteers for cutting at home!), we pieced together a 100s chart, we counted out Fruit Loops and made necklaces (only for decoration, not to eat we were told - unless parents choose otherwise, of course), we built with 100 cups, we found 100 numbers out of order, and many more. We will finish the rest tomorrow (hopefully!).
We also got a new sound of the week today - ask me what it is and a word with it in it. Finally, we had music. In music and in our class, we needed to have a discussion around behaviour expectations. This includes those times when Mme is not around, such as lunch hour and recess. It is more challenging to monitor our own behaviour during these times but Mme believes we truly can do it. Additionally, we all agreed that we would try another week of bringing in items from home to play with at recess if we choose but that if Mme continues to see them during our learning time, we will need to keep them at home.
Following our are words of the week. Mme's substitute teacher forgot to introduce them so see if I can read them as I'm seeing them for the first time.

Dear Parents/Guardians:
We will be focusing on these three words this week in our literacy activities.  Please review them with your child. Merci beaucoup!

Please review the following words: le, la, les, un, une, des, il, elle, je, mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses, voici, est, j’ai, et, c’est, tu, il  y a, je suis, très

Word Work #10 for the week of: 
January 27th  – 30th, 2020
(High Frequency Words – Mots de haute fréquence)

Mon Trevor est mon ami.

Il  y a une araignée sur la table!

Je joue avec mes amis.


