Monday, January 27, 2020

Home Reading!

Let me read to you! Today, I brought home some reading to do and a booklet to track it in. I should be able to explain it to you but if I can't and Mme's (very) long email yesterday didn't best explain the tracking system, please ask! Mme also forgot to send home the literacy handouts she was planning on sending home. Tomorrow, she says! Today, we have a new letter/sound. Ask me what it is. In math, we went back a bit to examine number sense and talked a bit about how big numbers are compared to each other. Is 44 much bigger than 39 or a little bit bigger? We continued on with our family trees in Social Studies. After lunch, we read a book and I made a prediction on the ending. Ask me what I predicted happened to the alligator and the boy.
Notes from Mme: Thursday is library day as well as special lunch. Also, this is the last week to buy yearbooks from Power Teacher. Below are the words of the week. We did not get to them to read them as a class today as we were so busy setting up our Home Reading program. Demain!

Dear Parents/Guardians:
We will be focusing on these three words this week in our literacy activities.  Please review them with your child. Merci beaucoup!

Please review the following words: le, la, les, un, une, des, il, elle, je, mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes

Word Work #6 for the week of: 
January 27-30, 2020
(High Frequency Words – Mots de haute fréquence)
Le livre est sur son pupitre.

Sa petite sœur est très mignonne.

J’aime ses bottes noires.




Dear Parents/Guardians:
We will be focusing on these three words this week in our literacy activities.  Please review them with your child. Merci beaucoup!

Please review the following words: le, la, les, un, une, des, il, elle, je, mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses

Word Work #7 for the week of: 
January 27-30, 2020
(High Frequency Words – Mots de haute fréquence)
Voici un crayon bleu.

Le chien est brun.

J’ai une tuque rouge.


