Monday, December 16, 2019

Final Monday of 2019!

Today, we started a new "desk book" to read. It involves the vocabulary around Christmas and numbers. Once done, I'll practice reading it and will pick one of these books to make a video of. We finished some art work today (coming home this week!) and we even cleaned out our desks! We practiced skip counting by 2s (up and down), with our hundreds chart. We challenged ourselves to see how high we could get with our partners without our hundreds chart. Ask me to skip count for you (en français!) by 2s from 0. In Science, we briefly started the 2nd of the 5 senses we're studying: touch. As well, we had a student share about his cultural celebrations today! Music and gym finished off the day.
A reminder from Mme that tomorrow is: Wear Red and Green day for the school!