Monday, November 18, 2019

Parent letter coming home today in my pochette bleue

Our class is starting our focus shortly on community in Social Studies and all of the Grade One teachers are sending home a letter today about a presentation I will be doing about my community ("ma communauté") and a landmark ("un point de répère"). If you have any questions, please send an email to Mme Harbinson.
Today, we did some literacy centres when Mme Emily was in the class. In gym today, the nets are up and we practiced catching and throwing with a partner. Ask me what are the differences in the nets (answer: height). In math, we watched an interesting video on patterns in numbers (see photo). Ask me what he was doing. 
A reminder from Mme that this is a short week: no school on Thursday or Friday! Remember to sign up for parent/teacher conferences. Mme looks forward to telling you all about how I'm doing after three months in Grade One!
Another note from Mme: some parents have been asking about Scholastic ( We sorted out the glitch so you can order online. Thank you for your patience. Scholastic have asked me to inform you of the following:
Parents pick a FREE Book (worth $7 or less) when they spend $30 or more online! Share Coupon Code: CLIFFORD with your students' families.